One of the best and most natural ways to repel ticks from dogs is to use a homemade herbal spray or concentrate. You can use some simple ingredients to make a non-toxic, anti-tick herbal spray that you can apply directly onto your pet, such as a mixture of rosemary/geranium essential oil and distilled water. Just mix three drops of each together and lightly spray your dog’s fur.

You can also dilute the mixture further by adding additional water, leaving it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinsing off before allowing them out in the yard or wooded area again.

Other natural ingredients like garlic powder have been found to greatly reduce tick infestations on pets when used in small doses over long periods of time. Even adding garlic cloves directly into your pet’s food has been known to aid in keeping ticks away.

Prevention is always better than cure, so it is important that you keep your dog’s environment clean and free from wet grass or other places where ticks tend to hide. Regular grooming sessions are also advised because this gives you an opportunity to check for ticks before they become too deeply embedded in your dog’s skin.

Brush your dog’s coat daily to remove ticks, dirt, and debris.

Brushing your dog’s coat is one of the best natural ways to remove ticks and other parasites from their fur. It also removes dirt and debris, which can tack those tiny pests onto your pup. Brushing should be done daily, particularly during tick season. That way, you’ll maximize its effects of removing any small crawling creatures that may try to make its home on your pup’s fur!

It’s a good idea to use a special brush designed for desensitizing your dog’s skin and removing dead hair. Brush in long strokes from the head to tail along each side of the body. Once you’ve brushed all areas, check for soiled spots and follow up with a seresto flea collars damp cloth until it is clear and free of parasites. Doing this routine every day will take less than five minutes but could give you the extra protection of keeping unwanted hitchhikers away from your pup!

Add garlic and Brewer’s yeast to your pet’s food regularly.

Adding garlic and Brewer’s yeast to your pet’s food on a regular basis is a naturally effective way to repel ticks from dogs. Garlic is known for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, and it helps to keep pests away. Brewer’s yeast contains selenium, biotin, vitamins B1, B6 and B12 – all compounds that might make your dog less attractive to ticks.

In addition to keeping ticks away from your pet, garlic and brewer’s yeast have other health benefits for dogs. Garlic can boost their immune systems and even help reduce their cholesterol levels. Brewer’s yeast also helps improve their digestion, reduces flatulence and can be used as a seasonal allergy reliever. However, before adding anything herbal or natural to your pet’s diet you should check with your veterinarian first about any potential risks or interactions with medications your pet may already be taking.

Place cedar chips around your dog’s bed or sleeping area.

Cedar chips are a natural way to repel ticks from dogs. Not only do they smell nice, but cedarwood oils have anti-tick properties that help ward off pests. To make sure your dog is as safe as possible, place cedar chips around their bed or sleeping area. The cedar chips can be combined with other natural tick-repelling methods, like citronella oil, peppermint oil, and rose geranium oil.

The great thing about using cedar chips is that it won’t harm your pet or kids if they accidentally ingest them. Another benefit is the long-lasting scent. Cedar aroma lasts for weeks and months due to the high concentration of essential oils in the wood. Additionally, it’s much safer than using synthetic pesticides which can contain harsh chemicals.

By utilizing this natural approach to pest repellent, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your dog is safe from ticks!


By following these steps and using natural solutions, you will be able to repel ticks from dogs naturally without the need of harsh chemicals.

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